
Booking a class

You can book a place in a class 72 hours before the class starts. Classes cannot be booked before this time.

To book a class select the class that you want to attend from the calendar. On the detail page for that class use the floating action button to begin the booking process.

Bookable classCard Payment (Pay As You Go)
Book classCard Payment

If you have an active Subscription Plan booking the class reserves you a spot and there is nothing more that you have to do.

If you have an active Class Pass booking the classes reserves your spot and deducts a class from your total allowed on the pass, so if you had bought a 10 class pass you will now have 9 available passes.

Use a class passUse your subscriptions
Class PassSubscriptions

If you have neither an active class pass or active subscription plan the payment drawer will appear from the bottom of the screen. From there you can add a payment method or select an existing one that you have saved. When you pay the class will be booked and you card will be charged immediately. Your card can be saved for future transactions on Stripe, our secure payment provider.

(Images: Class with notification showing it cannot be booked, Unbooked Class, Class Page + Open Drawer with booking confirmation, Class with Green tick booked and toast notification)

Cancelling a booking

If you have an active class pass or plan on your account you may book and cancel class bookings at will.

Simply tap the checkmark action button at the bottom right of the the class you wish to cancel the booking for.

A bottom drawer will open asking for confirmation that you wish to cancel the classe. Confirm the cancellation to cancel your booking.

If you booked with a class pass you will be given back the pass used for the booking.

At present it is not possible to cancel your class booking for Pay As You Go (PAYG) classes.

Cancel Booking

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